Our 16-year-old film blogger Jack Bool reviews Robot & Frank

Robot and Frank Robot and Frank

Thursday, March 14, 20139:08 AM

Robot & Frank is one of those rare indie gems that come around every so often, that unfortunately never gets the audience it deserves, but if you just so happen to be reading this review, I urge you to seek it out, as I feel its a film that needs to be recognised, due to its heart-warming premise and innovative ideas.

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Jack Bool film bloggerJack Bool film blogger

Set in the near future, an ex-jewel thief receives a gift from his son: a robot butler programmed to look after him. But soon the two companions try their luck as a heist time.

Admittedly the plot-line of Robot & Frank sounds absolutely absurd, yet upon watching the movie I guarantee that your opinion will change, as arguably the most enjoyable aspect of this film is the plot, and all the originality that goes along with it.

Never before do I recall seeing a film like this. The! concept is fresh and the character interaction between Frank Langella and the Robot is phenomenal, even though originally it sounded like a concept that could go either way. Whilst watching the film I was touched, as a viewer I really did care for this relationship that I was watching on-screen.

The performances in this film are all superb. For example the film features the likes of Susan Sarandon, Liv Tyler and James Marsden, but the two performances that stand out in my opinion, come from Frank Langella and surprisingly, the Robot. In all honesty I know Ive already mentioned it, but the relationship is just sensational between the two.

Noticeably the film seems to work in many different areas. As a drama it works, but I feel as a comedy it excels, and once again thats all due to the relationship that is present on-screen.

The script is very strong indeed and as I said the innovative concept is one of the great things about this movie. One thing in particular that shocked me was, (without spoiling anything) this minor twist that occurred half-way through. At first it completely caught me off guard, yet the whole time it felt so obvious and of course that is a massive compliment on the behalf of the team behind this movie. Nothing ever feels forced, it all flows so naturally.

I do feel the ending of the film was very handle and the thing about this movie is, although you have a rough idea of what to expect, youre never quite sure as to what will happen next, and going back to ending there are just so many ways to interpret it, as every single thought is just as sweet as the one as you previously conjured up.

Overall Robot & Frank is a very underappreciated picture. Its features a couple of great performances and boasts one of the best on-screen relationships Ive seen in many years, I highly recommend it.

