Live American Idol: Who Fangirled Over Liv Tyler? Plus, Who Danced With Audience Members?
Lester Cohen/ Joe Perry wasn't the only person in the house to help Steven Tyler celebrate his birthday on American Idol tonight! Tyler's famous daughter Liv Tyler attended Idol 's results show, and to say the top 10 contestants were excited to see Steven's daughter in the audience is a bit of an understatement. They may or may not have been jumping up and down and clapping. So who was most excited to see Liv?Plus, which three contestants danced with audience members? And what did the judges have to say to Erika Van Pelt after her elimination? MORE: American Idol Elimination: Who Went Home? And Who Showed Up For Steven Tyler's Birthday? The top 10 contestants were all abuzz when they learned Steven's daughter was in the house after Hollie Cavanaugh spotted the actress in the audience and pointed her out to her fellow hopefuls, saying, "It's Liv Tyler!" Their reaction: jaws dropping to the floor. Hello, you either have JavaScript...